Friday, August 5, 2022

Transfer directory from EFS to S3 Glacier

1. Create an S3 bucket
> aws s3 mb s3://rv398-20220712

2. Copy EFS files to the S3 bucket
> aws s3 cp /mnt/efs/Joana3/Data s3://rv398-20220712/Data --recursive

3. Change bucket lifecycle
> cat lifecycle.json
  "Rules": [ 
      "ID": "Move to Glacier (all objects in bucket)", 
      "Prefix": "", 
      "Status": "Enabled", 
      "Transition": { 
        "Days": 0, 
        "StorageClass": "GLACIER" 
> aws s3api put-bucket-lifecycle --bucket rv398-20220712 \\
--lifecycle-configuration file://lifecycle.json

Note: It will take up to 24 hours for the file to be stored in Glacier

Transfer directory from EFS to S3 Glacier

1. Create an S3 bucket > aws s3 mb s3://rv398-20220712 2. Copy EFS files to the S3 bucket > aws s3 cp /mnt/efs/Joana3/Data s3://rv398-...